查词霸:annoy[ə'nɔi]vt.使生气,使不高兴,使烦恼招惹; 妨碍伤害; 骚扰He looked annoyed.他好象不耐烦的样子.We can annoy the enemy by。
Optimus Prime 擎天柱Blaster 录音机 Perceptor 感知器 Ironhide 铁皮Hound 探长 Jazz 爵士 Prowl 警车 Ratchet 救护车Wheeljack。
alarm用作动词时,基本意思是“使惊恐,使害怕,使担心”,引申还可指“给(门等)安装警报器”。例句:They were alarmed by a sudden air att... alarm。
没有“炸”字开头的成语,含“炸”字的成语只有一个:狂轰滥炸 狂轰滥炸 读音:[ kuáng hōng làn zhà ] 释义:指疯狂地轰炸。 出处:李若冰《瓦窑堡啊,一盏。
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火药是中国人发明的,但却被欧洲人首先运用在战争上Powder was (要用被动语态)invented by Chinese,but European used it for war first (t。
Two children sneaked out of the security zone, just out from the ruins of a small dog and found a ce。
On December 8,1941,the Japanese navy sneak attacked Pearl harbor.The Japanese meteorology personnel 。
Because they were bombed several times, the city has become a ruin. Asked about her mother's hid。
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